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Archive - Apr 2005 - Dominion Article


April 29th

April 29, 2005 Features

Engineering for a Small Planet

paradiskidscomputers_fp.jpg How, exactly, does one leave an established corporate job to do something less "soul killing"? Amanda Jernigan spoke to Kim Paradis to find out.

A Conversation with Kim Paradis

April 28th

April 28, 2005 Original Peoples

No Lifeblood for Oil

bottledwater_fp.jpg In northern Alberta, the Lubicon nation is fighting oil companies and provincial and federal governments for their way of life, writes Kim Petersen.

Lubicon nation fights oil companies, governments for survival

April 23rd

April 23, 2005 Features

From the Tap to the Bottle and Back Again

bottledwater_fp.jpg Manufacturers of bottled water are taking over municipal water systems while bottling public water for a profit, says Leah Orr

A look at bottled water and privatization

April 22nd

April 23, 2005 Health

Social Determinants of Health

who_inequality_fp.jpg A new WHO commission is investigating the relationship between economic inquality and health. Andrea Smith looks at some of the factors they're studying.

New WHO commission examines more than biology

April 20th

April 20, 2005 Letters

Port Radium assessments not "frivolous"

Our staff have reviewed the article, "Canada, Racism, Genocide and the Bomb" by Kim Petersen, published in your online journal, and we are very unhappy with some aspects of the article. Our staff, which represents the Déline arm of the...

April 19th

April 19, 2005 Letters

Is the system the scandal?

Dear Sirs: In "The System is the Scandal" published on the website of The Dominion on April 16, 2005, Duff Conacher inaccurately states that EDC and other organizations operate "without legal accountability" in areas including the access-to-information law, ethics rules,...

April 18th

April 17th

April 15th

April 16, 2005 Opinion

The System is the Scandal

parliament_fp.jpg Opposition parties and the press are using the sponsorship scandal to trash the Liberals, but Duff Conacher asks: why they aren't pushing for real reforms?

Stronger rules, enforcement and penalties, not an election, needed to prevent future scandals

April 14th

April 14, 2005 Français

Le Canada légitime la répression en Haïti: cinéaste

pina-paup_fp.jpg « S'ils intéressaient à ce côté-là de l'histoire, ils feraient des reportages là-dessus. Et ils ne le font pas. » -- cinéaste Kevin Pina

April 13th

April 12th

April 12, 2005 Literature & Ideas

April Books

april2005.jpg Besner, Trafford and Henderson review new work by James Grainger, Donna Kane, Élise Turcotte, and Deanna Kent-McDonald.

April 8th

April 7th

April 5th

April 6, 2005 Français

L'invasion du mégot

megot3_fp.jpg Le mégot cause également de sérieux dommages dans le milieu aquatique, forestier et humain, écrit Vivien Jaboeuf

April 5, 2005 Original Peoples

Canada, Racism, Genocide, and the Bomb

ore_fp.jpg Canada's little-known role in the construction of the first atomic bombs is still affecting people of the Dene nation today, says Kim Petersen

The Legacy of C.D. Howe

April 1st

Archived Site

This is a site that stopped updating in 2016. It's here for archival purposes.

The Dominion is a monthly paper published by an incipient network of independent journalists in Canada. It aims to provide accurate, critical coverage that is accountable to its readers and the subjects it tackles. Taking its name from Canada's official status as both a colony and a colonial force, the Dominion examines politics, culture and daily life with a view to understanding the exercise of power.

»Where to buy the Dominion