People everywhere in the globe, listen the voice of people in Gonaives and in the rest of Haiti. It is hard and it's really hard a sit can be for people. As a Haitian and a Gonaivian man I am very concern, I ask you my brothers and sisters in the world to help my relatives there in the way you can. Haiti is not the most hit by the hurricanes, but we are the most victimized people, cause our political leaders most of them don't care about people live. They care about themselves and they families. Those who want to improve live; they often plot against them and keep the country in perpetual instability politic, that is the way they make money. The loss of sight is more humane than the one presented by the authorities. How they can pretend determine the number of death and disappeared people while they do not have any infrastructures to reach them. After four years, which road has been rebuilt in Gonaives? Therefore, they are happy to steal the money and the aids that people deserve. Once gain, they do not put the real problem of Haiti on the table, particularly Gonaives, where the level of the ocean is higher than the land. Nobody cannot forget what happened in New Orleans in 2005, even this city was protected by levees and after the levees broke, you could see how ravaged was New Orleans by floodwater. Then Gonaives before and after Jeanne the just passed Hanna was not and is not protected by levees. And the worst is, no plan to prevent or to protect the city from another natural disaster as this of Jeanne and Hanna.
Now talking about those who called themselves Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who received the most important amount of money to rebuild Gonaives city after unforgettable hurricane Jeanne 2004 eight months after most of them in collaboration with the bourgeoisie class in Haiti worked as the representatives of their own governments to kill democracy in Haiti by overthrowing the democratially-elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Political disaster, natural disaster, the funny thing is by these kinds of disasters they made or make their profits because they are not honest enough to say enough for those people, they are enough suffered, time to them relieve. Why not, they don't called themselves Mr. Mrs. disasters which is fit them.
Coming back to school this afternoon, I read a letter posted online on the web site of Partners in Health (PIH) by a famous American doctor who has been working close of people in Haiti, precisely those who live in the country side, those they often call "moun andeyò or peyizan in Creole" (people living out of city or peasants) just to marginalize them. 25 years ago, Dr. Paul Farmer, the co-founder "Zami Lasante (ZL) in Creole"(Partners In Health (PIH) in English) has been spending time with to get to know the reality of Haitian people live everyday. He gets it, and becomes one of the foreign witnesses and spokesmen in the world of them by writing books, articles and presenting speeches. I invite to read this letter on, and you'll get it because "Dr. Polo as well-known among the Haitian peasants" says Dr. Paul visited Gonaives after the devastated tropical storm Hanna, he will tell you what he saw there. Time to act; it is also time to share to each other little that you have. Remember wherever you are now there is country needs your help, there are people live in Island who are waiting for you extraordinary supports, little it could be.
God bless Haiti, particularly Gonaives, my city.
Dominion Weblogs compiles the weblogs of Dominion editors and writers. The topics discussed are wide-ranging, but Canadian Foreign Policy, grassroots politics, and independent media are chief among them.
Bonswa tout moun,
Ayiti dabò, yon emisyon ki pase sou anten radyo optimum chak maten soti 10 zé rive midi kote nou debat tout gwo pwoblèm peyi a mete ansanm ak yon sit entenet ki bay posiblite a chak grenn ayisyen kèlkeswa kote ou ye nan mond lan pou ou ka antre an kontak ak ansyen zanmi ou, fé nouvo zanmi e an menm tan diskite ak konpatriyot ou sou pi bon solisyon pou retire ayiti kotel ye jodia gen privilèj ak oné pou prezante nou dokté Guy Deve Theodore.
Doktè Theodore se yon ayisyen natif natal ki fét nan kòmansman lane 40 yo, nan yon lokalite ke yo rele piyon nan zòn plato santral ki sitiye a 40 kilomèt de Okap aysyen. Papa li deve Theodore ak manman li silvi Theodore te pran tout dispozisyon pou montrel chimen legliz yon fason poul ka renmen moun e poul ka trete tout moun ak respè e diyite.
Doktè Guy Theodore fè klas primèl nan “grande rivière du nord” paske piyon a sèt epòk pat gen lekòl, se nan “grande riviere” ke tout lòt sel ak frel apran li ak ekri,misye fè etid segondè li lise toussaint nan potoprens kote li toujou distengel nan mitan tout lòt elèv yo,pwofesè yo te toujou sispèk ke misye tap yon bagay nan vil kanmenm.
San parenn ,san mannigèt, nan kòmansman ane swasant yo misye rantre nan fakilte medsin kotel diplome san pwoblem, nan lane 70 yo li antre ozetazini poul vin kontinye etid li,kèk tan aprè li rantre nan lame meriken kotel li distingel kòm youn nan pi gwo chirijyen kap opere solda ki estwopye sou chan batay. Kòm misye te intelijan anpil, e kòm lite gen anpil disiplin, li pran grad yo byen vit jiskaskel rive kolonel, lèl rive poul jeneral ,yo mandel poul chanje nasyonalitel paske selon prensip lame ya fòk ou ameriken pou vin jeneral, kolonel Guy demisyone li pito tounen lakay li pou lal kontinye rev li, pou li al kenbe pwomess li te fè. Yon rèv kel te gen depi lel gen 12 zan pandan kel tap asiste lanmo pi bon zanmi li nan lokalite ya paske pat gen doktè, ki pi red pat gen menm yon sant de sante.
Sou bitasyon papal li kanpe lopital “ Faisance de pignon”, moso pa moso nan retire chen voye sou chat lopital sa a vin yonn nan pi gwo lopital ke peyi dayiti te janm genyen .Lopital sa a gen yon sal operasyon byen ekipe li menm gen satelit kote jenn etidyan nan medsin ozetazini kon chita pou pran bèt nan men doktè kolonel Guy Theodore, menm lòt gwo doktè lè yo kole nan operasyon yo pa wè ni devan ni dèye yo konn itilize menm system satelit la pou doktè Theodore dekole yo.
Lopital “Bien Faisance de piyon” akouche fanm ansent,yo vaksinen ti moun pou ka redwi kantite ti moun kap mouri chak ane,yo travay seryezman nan prevansyon sida ak nan ede moun ki deja atrape maladi ya,yo ankouraje moun yo fè planin yon fason pou ka diminye mizé nan tout zòn lan, dòk la kwè nan prensip ki di “prevenir vaut mieux que guerir” la se sak fè li mete anpil aksan sou medsin prevantiv avek 65 kaban e 4 klinik ki gaye tribo ba bo, moun soti toupatou nan peyi a vin ranmase bon jan swen nan lopital la.
Lopital la telman pwòp,li telman byen jere, an 1997 “The christian dental society” chwazil pou yo fè premye modèl pwogram laboratwa yo a se sak fè jounen jodya tout moun piyon ka al rache dan, korije jansiv, netoye dan ,mete nenpòt kalite fò dan lide yo di yo san okenn pwoblem, ti moun lekòl kapab vin tcheke dan yo chak ane menm jan sa fèt nan tout gwo peyi.
Doktè Guy se yon vizyonè misye se yon bon jan pwogresis, sètadi likwè nan yon devlopman integre se sak fè a pa lopital la li akonpanye popilasyon an nan domèn agrikilti paske si yon moun pa byen manje lap gen malnitrisyon, li voye kòl nan dlo potab paske si timoun pa brè dlo pwòp yap gen maladi dyare, li travese nan edikasyon kote li sèmante ke tout ti moun ki fèt nan zòn lan pral pral lekòl mensi paran yo pa ta gen mwayen. Li di tou zafè pou ti moun piyon ap tavèse grande Riviere du nord pou al resevwa moso lenstriksyon fòk sa kaba li ede konstwi 7 lekòl kote preske 2000 ti moun ap ranmase bon jan fòmasyon.
Li pa kanpe, li pouse imajinasyonl pi lwen toujou kotel li di pa ka gen devlopman san kominikasyon li fè wout nan piyon pou danre pa ret pouri nan men peyzan ,li pa satisfè toujou, li kanpe yon ayewopò kote avyon ateri piyon de fwa pa semenn sa vle di li konekte piyon ak tout rès peyi a e ak le mond antye anfen, anfen. Depi lè doktè Theodore alias pentle retounen piyon lavi moun nan zòn nan ak lòt lokalite ki antourel yo chanje net.
Se pou rezon sa a 14 oktòb ki sot pase la “Board of Surgeon” youn nan pi gwo òganizasyon medikal a travè le mond te bay doktè Guy Theodore yon “humanitarian Award” se premye fwa bòd la bay yon manb li distenksyon sa e se premye fwa bòd la onore yon ayisyen frè nou.
Ayiti dabord ansanm ak melanje vwa yo ak tout lòt ayisyen konsekan pou di ou
• Mèsi doktè kolonel Guy Theodore,
• Mèsi paske ou pwouve ke tout ayisyen pa vòle,
• Mèsi paske ou travèse wanga konplo,tripotaj ,petitès pou fè onè nou,
• Mèsi paske ou pwouve ke nou ka pratike la syans an ayiti,
• Mèsi paske anfen ou pwouve ke yon ayisyen an ayiti ka jere yon lopital kòm sa dwa,
• Mèsi doktè Theodore ou retire wont la nan je nou,
• Mèsi doktè Theodore paske ou montre ke peyi sa pa pèdi,
• Mèsi doktè Theodore paske ou montre ke tout pitit ayiti fè yon sèl, ke pa gen yon gwoup ki se ayisyen lakol e yon lòt se dyaspora, ou montre avèk fyète ke tout ayisyen se Ayisyen, eke tout Ayisyen ki gen volonte kapab e dwe Ayiti soti nan katyobounde ke li ye la.
• Mèsi doktè Theodore paske ou rebannou lespwa pou nou kwè ke Ayiti ka rebondi e lika retounen yon kote nou tout kapab fyè pou nou rele lakay.
Pou nou fini nap di, ke peyi a bezwen plizye nèg tankou doktè Guy,nou bezwen 90 Guy Theodore nan chanm depite a, nou bezwen trant Guy Theodore nan sena a, nou ta renmen chak ministè yo gen yon Guy Theodore kap dirije yo tankou lopital piyon, chak depatman, chak seksyon kominal gen yon majistra tankou Doktè Guy Theodore a la bèl kapital la tap bèl, ala bèl Okap, Okay, Gonayiv, SenMak, Gonayiv, Jakmèl, Fò Libète, Jeremi, Pòdpè e latrye tap bèl, tap pwop tankou lopital « Bienfaisance de Pignon » , anfen nou ta renmen gen yon Guy Theodore nan palè Nasyonal kòm yon chèf òchès kap ede akòde mizik developman peyi e kap ede nou miltiplye tout lòt ti Doktè Guy Theodore nap chache yo. E tankou granmoun lontan te toujou di nou si tèt pwason an pouri tout kò ap pouri.
Yon lòt fwa anko mèsi anpil pentle.
To be added to the narration on the video:
Haiti needs your help in turn
Hugues Sanon, Journalist/activist
In less than 10 days, 4 hurricans hit haiti. win, rain and water raising destroyed almost everything. homes, marketplaces, bridges roads etc. everything goes down.
the 4 hurrican overturned boats, brake trees, downed power lines. more than a thousand of people were killed, 1 million people are homeless. hundred of thousand are helpless including thousands of women and children. those who ar sheltered live in a desastrous situation. women in the same bed with men, children sleep in the same bed with grow up. there is no foods, no waters, no medical supplies. haiti really needs help.
remember, haiti is one of the first 50 nation in the UN, remember this october 9, 2008 marked the 229 years sinces many haitians fight for america.
our enemy is hunger, our war if not being able to feed ourselves and our children. our war is not being able to construct bridges, roads, promoting our agriculture. now as we fought for the usa in the past, we need them to fight for us now.
we understand america and the whole world are having financial problem. where many people lose their job. however, we still need a little support.
anyone who want to help the haitian people, and wants to work together with others organizations please call Hugues Sanon at 973-517-8566. i can connect you with .................
His Hugues Sanon Running For Office somewhere
this year of 2009 everyone is talking about Hugues Sanon all over the net. is he running for office somewhere? i know that He is a great man. but there are some many other people who also doing great things to talk about.
you guys promote Hugues Sanon too much.
what about Baker, Chavanne Jeune and others candidates?
NJHSA Celebrates the 205th Year Anniversary of the Haitian Flag
On Saturday, May 9, 2009, the New Jersey Haitian Student Association will celebrate the 205th year anniversary of the Haitian flag. The Haitian Flag Day Festival commemorating Haiti’s independence will be held on Saturday, May 9th, 2009 from 12-6pm at Elmwood Park located on 1 Oak Street in East Orange, New Jersey. The third annual event entitled, Nou Se Espwa Peyi Nou, translated “We are the hope to the future” will fulfill the organizations goal of empowering Haitian and Non-Haitian members within the community. Furthermore, it will strengthen cultural ties within the diverse communities by enhancing education, social and cultural knowledge concerning the Haitian culture. We respectfully request the honor of your presence at this community building event that will foster a sense of pride and harmony within the Haitian Community and create a sense of belonging and brotherhood between the Haitian community and the other ethnic communities participating.
WHAT: Haitian Flag Day Festival- 3rd Annual Cultural Celebration
WHEN: Saturday, May 9, 2009
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
WHERE: Elmwood Park
1 Oak Street
East Orange, NJ 07018
CONTACT: Shella Mesidor
(973) 687-1477