Miners digging rebates details the large subsidies that Québec is giving to mining exploration companies. Mongolia comes up again, as in "Quebec's stance is in marked contrast to Mongolia, where a windfall profits tax for mining companies has been introduced... Canadian mining companies had been active in Mongolia, with Canada second only to China in terms of foreign investment, almost all of it in the mining sector."
Look out Mongolia! Here comes a new Canadian embassy, mining law reform, CIDA projects in mining regions... Scoff, ahem, how dare they try and tax profits!!
In even worse news, Rice defends Middle East arms sales plan. Talk about a legacy for future generations.
And in Guatemala, 39 politicians have so far been reported dead in the run up to elections. Elections are to be held September 9th.
Dominion Weblogs compiles the weblogs of Dominion editors and writers. The topics discussed are wide-ranging, but Canadian Foreign Policy, grassroots politics, and independent media are chief among them.