I just came across some great interviews with people from Six Nations. I found Janie Jamison's words particularly kick-ass.
Dominion Weblogs compiles the weblogs of Dominion editors and writers. The topics discussed are wide-ranging, but Canadian Foreign Policy, grassroots politics, and independent media are chief among them.
In your article: "A
In your article: "A monumental year" for the people of Six Nations, Janie Jamison talks about getting rid of the band council because it really just acts as an arm of the Canadian government.
I am writing a book about participatory democracy. Hopefully, my research will provide readers with a better understanding of how the traditional decision making process of the Iroquois Confederacy works today. If you have any contact information for Janie Jamison, or anyone you think might be willing to talk about their experience with traditional government, I would be very grateful.
Brenda Thompson