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Housing Activists Reclaim Olympic Village

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Issue: 69 Section: Canadian News Geography: West Vancouver Topics: housing, 2010 Olympics

May 25, 2010

Housing Activists Reclaim Olympic Village

by Vancouver Media Cooperative

Demonstrators at the False Promises at False Creek action in Vancouver. Photo: Vancouver Media Cooperative
"Supporting or helping the Dominion, it is helping to make the voices of the poor people of the world heard, like those in my country, Haiti." --Wadner Pierre, independent journalist, Port-au-Prince

Housing activists and their supporters reclaimed Athlete's Village in a carefully planned action on the afternoon of Saturday, May 15.

The False Promises at False Creek rally disrupted the open house event, and made the demands of poor and homeless people in Vancouver impossible for investors to ignore.

Scroll down to view video.

This video report was originally published on the Vancouver Media Coop site.

Cameras: Gregor Jahn, Franklin Lopez
Editing: Franklin Lopez
Writing: Dawn Paley

You can also view more images from this action in a photo essay by Isaac Oommen.

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The Dominion is a monthly paper published by an incipient network of independent journalists in Canada. It aims to provide accurate, critical coverage that is accountable to its readers and the subjects it tackles. Taking its name from Canada's official status as both a colony and a colonial force, the Dominion examines politics, culture and daily life with a view to understanding the exercise of power.

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